In order to appear as a ’50s fetish pinup queen or alternately a vintage goddess on a daily basis, its not just shoes and clothing that require attention.

What is needed is that to die for hair that Dita Von Teese is never seen without.

Now if you don’t have a hairdressed on call 24-7, you do require some skill, the right tools and a bit of time every morning, and you can get the looks where ever you go.

Personally, I’ve found hot rollers to be the easiest option, as they take about 5-10 minutes to put on and act while I’m dressing up and doing my makeup.

Some rollers are easier to operate than others, as glassy dead straight hair like mine is a pain to get around basic plastic slick rollers.

I found a set of Remington rollers that had a velvet-like surface and a startup clip and I’ve been very happy with them. The clip leaves no marks on the hair and is easy to operate even before your third morning coffee.

This set is a bit big to take with you while traveling, but luckily I found a small travel kit from Remington too. The rollers have the same velvety surface, but the kit only has ten rollers and they don’t come with the startup clip. While not quite up to scratch for everyday home use, they are perfect for picking up the hairdo from the previous day, and restoring the glam for another day of wear.

On top of the rollers, you also need the right products to achieve this luscious look. I’ve always been a big fan of TIGI hair products and swear by them in anything hair related.

Heated rollers are of course used on dry hair, and I use TIGI Uptight spray on each strand of hair before rolling it. Once I’ve let the rollers do their job, I unroll all of them and spray a hefty dose of TIGI Maxxed Out in and let it dry before brushing the roller marks out.

After styling my hair the way I want it to look I gloss it with TIGI Dumb Blonde Smoothing Stuff and apply a last generous layer of TIGI Maxxed Out to keep the moisture away, and make sure my partner also gets to appreciate my hair in its full glory when I get home from the office.

If you need extra tips with the rolling part of the job, here’s a couple of how to videos from YouTube:

Good luck!